Jon Huntsman President 2012


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    Restoring Trust

    America faces not only an economic deficit, but also a trust deficit – trust in our institutions of power, from Washington to Wall Street. The American people have lost trust in the failed leadership of the president and Congress; in our tax code, riddled with special interest carve-outs; in our wars, wondering why we are nation-building abroad instead of at home; and in Wall Street and their regulators, whose failings led to a taxpayer bailout that defies the core principles of our capitalist economy.

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    Jobs & the Economy

    Jon Huntsman's comprehensive solutions to create jobs and revive our flailing economy are endorsed by the Wall Street Journal and described as "the most pro-growth proposal ever offered by a US presidential candidate."

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    National Security

    Sustaining America's leadership position in the world requires we continue to maintain the world's most capable military. But being the best will not simply be a function of spending the most. Staying on top will increasingly depend on our willingness to adapt to the realities of the security environment in the 21st century, and prioritizing the right way with respect to the future of our armed forces.

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    Education reform

    Our public education system was designed to serve a 19th century economy that no longer exists; it needs to be modernized for the 21st century. Primary education has historically been, and should continue to be, run at the local level. Governor Huntsman’s vision for the federal government’s role in education is to end our “one size fits all approach” and create a new focus on individual students.

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    Foreign Policy

    The world is a better place when America leads. Our own interests are best served when we lead. American exceptionalism is not only about who we are as a people – but it also speaks to how the United States alone is positioned in the world to promote freedom, democracy, human rights, wealth creation, and security. It is a role we should not shrink from, but rather embrace.

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    Energy Security

    To create jobs and strengthen national security, America must end the scourge of our addiction to foreign oil. 50 years ago President Eisenhower warned we should import no more than 20 percent of our oil; today we import 60 percent, much of it from unstable and unfriendly regimes.

  • Financial Regulatory Reform

    Financial Regulatory Reform

    As president, Governor Huntsman will make financial regulatory reform a high priority. Real financial reform will mean breaking the Faustian bargain between Wall Street and Washington that helped fuel the housing bubble, drove a series of bailouts, and prevented meaningful reform in the aftermath of the financial crisis.